About Us
Life Coach and Energy Healer (Thetahealing Practitioner)
Theta brain wave is a brain frequency that connects the conscious part of the brain to the subconscious brain.
Theta is the brain frequency of repair and healing-our waking up state and before deep sleep state in natural process of self healing.
Thetahealing is healing technique that uses the belief work given by Viaana Sital, founder of Think Institute of Knowledge(THiNK), Monatana, United States since 1990.
Being a Thetahealing practitioner since 2019, I have worked with individuals/groups through online google meet or phone call, through conversation mode to resolve their life issues in connection with health, career, money, relationship and well being in general.Being a Thetahealing practitioner since 2019, I have worked with individuals/groups through online google meet or phone call, through conversation mode to resolve their life issues in connection with health, career, money, relationship and well being in general.
We conduct following sessions/workshop/classes
1. 1:1 healing session (online via phone/Google meet)-Life Coaching-Health, Relations, Love, Family, Time/Money
2. Online & Classroom Workshop (Bliss & Blessing-45 min to 90 min)-Mental Health and Emotional Wellness
3. Facilitator driven Online/In Person Classes (customised to group/batch)
4.Engaging Employees on "We Care@Workplace": Digital Detox workshop with Desktop Yoga and Letting Go Stress/Pain
5. Rainbow Children Workshop-School Level-Understanding Empathy and Emotional Intelligence to Discover their Hidden Talent
3. Health Issues we have worked on
a. Sleep Disorder (Insomnia problems)
b. Arthritis and bones & muscles
c. PMS cycle and menstrual pain (in vitro fertilization, miscarriage)
d. Anger Issues
e. Anxiety, fear and lack of confidence & courage to move forward in life
f. Grief related to loss of a loved one (Releases Pain from liver, lungs and lymphatic system)
g. Relationship issues in personal and professional life (
h. Sickness related to nerve pain, muscle pain, spondylitis, spinal cord, hip bone, jaw movement
i. Hormonal Imbalances and related stress
g. Lack of appetite, lack of vitamins and minerals, calcium retention in bones
h. Mental and Sexual Abuses through forgiveness and regression excercise